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Armand and Angelina Sing the Secret CD

SKU#: 54-AGT5
Price: $17.25


The Armand and Angelina Sing the Secret CD features 12 original songs affirming the Law of Attraction featuring narrative quotes from Rhonda Byrnes phenomenal book and DVD, "The Secret".

Sing The Secret is a collection of 12 original songs written and performed by Armand with his pop/rock style and Angelina with the most angelic voice of our times. These songs have been written over the last ten years and express the magic of The Secret which is The Law of Attraction.

Each song will affirm your own power over what shows up in your life. Each song has affirmative quotes from the best selling phenomenon "The Secret" book, cd's and video as featured on Oprah, Larry King, Ellen DeGeneres, CNN and the Today Show. The songs have hypnotic melodies, catchy lyrics and life-changing messages.

This was the brainchild of Jodi Floyd. She got the idea while listening to one of our Musical Services and realized that all of the words and music pertained to "The Law of Attraction" as presented in "The Secret". We then printed the quotes that had been circulation the internet and found the 12 songs that corresponded to the themes. The studio time was scheduled, the graphic designer was hired, the narrations were recorded, the songs were assembled and mastered and voilà, success. This has been the most effortless and powerful project we have done thus far. It has been our life's purpose to share these messages through our words and music for the last 20 years. WE are confident that the Universe guided us to produce this CD in order to fulfill this destiny......

You can play this soundtrack over and over again and actually find more and more or your dreams beginning to materialize. Buy this for anyone that you love enough to support them in having the life that they have always dreamed of. .....

Thanks Armand and Angelina A Magical Ministry of Music, Message and Mirth.

Track List:
1. The One Love
2. Love is a Boomerang
3. Ode to Gratitude
4. The World is a Safe Place
5. Land of Plenty
6. Your Will is God's Will
7. Become Become
8. Greater Than Me
9. I Forgive You
10. I am not a Body
11. Follow Your Dreams
12. Peace in Every Moment

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