Sacred Flute Journeys CD by Armand and Angelina

SKU#: 54-AGT4
Price: $17.25


The Sacred Flute Journeys CD by Armand and Angelina gives voice to the sound of the wind, while transforming into songs of beauty, this music will soothe, heal and tell of the Creator's gifts.

Sacred Flute Journeys guides the listener through a spirit-filled day. Swallow and Morning Dew starts the journey at early dawn. After the ceremony of drumming to Reiki Heart Song and Dancing to Inca Dance, it is time for Comfort Me and Angel Flute to take you into relaxation and meditation. Coming out of the stillness, Coyote Spirit reminds us to not take ourselves seriously. As the sun sets, the night sounds of Rainforest Flute and finally the lullaby of Amazing Grace put the day to rest.

What separates this CD from other native flute cd's is that it uses catchy inspired melodies to capture the mood rather than improvisation. These tunes are not only captivating, they are memorable songs.

The songs range in influences from South America to North America. Armand uses several diffent flutes including Double flutes which give a hypnotic quality to the music.

Track List:
1. Swallow
2. Morning Dew
3. Reiki Heart Song
4. Inca Dance
5. Comfort Me
6. Angel Flute
7. Coyote Spirit
8. Rainforest Flute
9. Amazing Grace (double flute version)

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